What is concierge medicine? Think back to a time when your doctor was like one of the family. You could call your doctor on the phone when your child was sick and they would discuss the issue with you, come to your home or you would meet the doctor at the office. This type of care does not sound familiar? Well, this is where concierge medicine plans to make a change in the health care system. It is not just about convenience but developing a personal relationship with your doctor. The foundation of concierge medicine is the time you spend with your doctor. In a concierge practice the patient can spend more time with the doctor where your doctor can understand your child's condition, family environment and any social concerns. In most practices today fifteen minutes or even a half hour visit is not enough time to get to know your doctor or for the doctor to know your child. The extra time spent with your doctor also allows parents to ask questions and discuss plans in detail. This time allows the parent to work alongside the doctor in the care of their child.
What family would benefit from a concierge practice? Any busy family could benefit from the convenience of a concierge practice. Whether you are a single mom, two working parents or stay at home mother it can be hard to schedule time to see a doctor within a busy day between the hours of 9am and 5pm. A new mother can have the time to have all her questions answered. A mother with a special needs child can have her child seen in the safety and comfort of their home.
A concierge practice is for every family but it may not be for your family. Take time and evaluate if your family is in need of extra time or a flexible schedule for your child's medical care. Are you desiring a more personal relationship with your child's doctor then consider a concierge medical care.